AIIM European Headquarters
The Association for Information and Image Management is a 50-year-old organization for document management professionals.
AMIA is a non-profit organization in the field of medical informatics which represents the United States in the informational arena of medical systems and informatics in international forums. Among its working groups are several who study methods for collecting, organizing, storing and retrieving medical records.
The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is a professional association established to provide a means for cooperation among individuals concerned with the collection, preservation, exhibition and use of moving image materials.
Washington Office
Tel: (+1) 202-639-4090
Fax: (+1) 202-628-1886
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The ANSI federation of is made up of U.S. businesses, professional societies and trade associations, standards developers, government agencies, institutes and consumer and labor interests working together to develop voluntary national consensus standards. ANSI provides the gateway for US participation in international standards organizations such as ISO and IEC
The nonprofit Graphic Communications Association was formed in 1966 to help member companies apply the latest computer-related technologies to all formns of print and electronic publishing. GCA's Information Technologies division deals with structured electronic information management for technical, reference and commercial publishing applications. This area covers automated document management, on-oine and Internet publishing, and related technical topics. The IT division -- since its inception -- has fostered the development and implementation of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and all of its derivitives, such as HyTime, HTML and DSSSL.
The IMA has a program available on their website called CD Match for a variety of operating systems which displays system information in a printable form. This is designed to help consumers match up their system's capabilities with application requirements. IMA encourages multimedia developers to use their labeling guidelines for system requirements in the hope that such voluntary compliance will improve consumers' acceptance of and ability to use multimedia on their equipment. The IMA CD Match Uniform Label and CD Match logo are available royalty free to CD publishers, equipment manufacturers, retailers and distributors, but those who wish to use it must negotiate a license with the IMA to ensure compliance with their usage guidelines.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a federation of national standards bodies from about 100 countries, one from each country. ISO's mission is to promote the development of standardization and related activities to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity. ISO's work results in international agreements which are published as International Standards.
The IEC is an international body composed of national committees, numbering 49 at present, whose purpose is to promote international cooperation about standards in the fields of electrical and electronic engineering.
The first and largest users group for CD-ROM, founded by Jerry McFaul in 1986, this organization has been influential in obtaining US Government support for the use of CD-ROM applications. Sponsors of the CD-ROM Information Resouce Center (CIRC), a laboratory for members to get hands-on experience with CD-ROM development tools and playback solutions. Also sponsors of seminars about various topics pertaining to CD-ROM development. Membership is open to anyone interested in furthering the use of CD-ROM applications. No dues, but newsletter subscriptions cost $40 US per year.
Original Publisher of CompuServe's The CDForums [GO CDFORUM], the CDROMBase Online, a listing of over 10,000 CD-ROM titles [GO CDROMBASE], the newsletter of the OPA and a periodical statistical survey of the CD industry for OPA members. Membership dues for individuals and companies, sponsorships based on company size.
OSTA is a trade organization whose purpose is to stimulate increased demand for writable optical data storage products in a broad range of applications through education, cooperative promotion, and strategic action. CD-R technology is included in the association's program.
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